Sunday, April 22, 2012

Using File Sharing in Viral Marketing

There are probably ten million people online, looking for downloads at any given time. Of course, a lot of them could be looking for pornography or free software but still, reaching a minimum on a million people on any given day does offer some rather intriguing possibilities.

People like using file services to download music for two simple reasons, they’re free, and there is an incredible selection. The fact is Pandora’s Box has been opened. In Napster’s wake, other quasi-legal services quickly emerged… a lot of them. Even if they are closed, others will succeed them.

Major record companies would like to think otherwise but they are never going to stop file sharing. Net users are file sharers…plain and simple. Long before the Internet came into being, people made cassette tapes of their favorite music for their friends…cd burners are so much easier and faster.

So how can you use this to help your viral marketing campaign along? Think about this. Once someone downloads your MP3 files and those files are available on that listener’s hard drive, viral marketing begins. After two users start sharing your files, suddenly, your music is on the hard drive of a second computer…then a third… and on and on. When users are searching and they find your music on a lot of different computers, they are more likely to download the files. It’s just a matter of time before you’ll find your files showing up in more and more places.

No matter what genre music you play…Rock and Roll, Country, Tejano, Mozart sonatas, Heavy Metal, of Brazilian Jazz, there is an audience for it somewhere.

In this new paradigm, you aren’t hawking a product, you are offering free music via a medium that lets you be directly connected with your audience.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]

Work at Home - How to Choose a Home Based Business and Make Money Without Getting Scammed Part 2

Increasingly more people work out of their home to supplement their income every single day. Home based businesses offer a level freedom and flexibility unmatched by traditional means. This is a $430 Billion a year industry, that's more than the consumer industry, food industry and the pharmaceutical industry combined. By the time you finish reading this sentence someone new would have entered into a Home Based Business venture.

Don't buy into the hype, you will fail unless you go into this with a concise plan of action, the right mindset and start making the smart decisions from beginning. You've all heard of doing it right the first time. This begins with picking a work at home job or home based business opportunity that fits you, not the one claiming to make the most money in the shortest period of time. I would know, I've been down that road.

To start you out in the right direction here are a few work at home offers to avoid. Beware of paid survey and data entry scams. These seem to be all the rage these days. They promise an easy buck of course, but the facts are that very few people make any money filling out surveys and those that do make money make very little.

Here's how paid surveys work in a nut shell. You are paying for a list of companies who supposedly would pay you $1-$15 for filling out surveys which are sent to you by email. The companies on these lists are just as easily found by doing a search engine query yourself. You now have to sign up with each individual company on the list which does take a lot of time. Each company wants in-depth demographic data about you and your household under the guise of only sending you surveys you qualify for. You start receiving surveys almost instantly, though not all have an offer of cash most are points for various sweepstakes. The surveys that do offer cash initially would more than often enough claim that you did not quality for the cash after you filled out the survey and may then offer you points towards prizes and such.

Just about now you would be wondering why you had to fill out the demographic data if they were not going to send you qualified surveys. That question would soon be answered when your telephone starts ringing off the hook with sales calls conveniently geared towards you and your lifestyle, along with your junk mail intake going through the roof.

Another heavily promoted scam is data entry jobs. The technique itself is not the scam but more the language used to promote it. These are promoted as get rich by doing simple data entry; this is far from the truth. These Data Entry Jobs are simply affiliate programs, you are told to write ads promoting various products and services in hopes of getting a commission from any possible sales. This has gotten so bad that Google among other payment providers have been actively canceling owners and promoters of so called "data entry jobs" from their system.

Juan Mendez is a web entrepreneur and aspiring writer.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

6 Ideas for Viral Marketing

Here are six ideas to help you start your viral marketing campaign:

1. Purchase the branding rights to a viral E-book. Allow people to give away your free E-book to their visitors. Then, their visitors will also give it away. This will just continue to spread your ad all over the Internet.

2. If you have the ability to set up a forum or other bulletin board, you really have a great tool. Allow people to use your online discussion board for their own website. Some people don't have one. Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.

3. Do you have a knack for web design? Create some templates, graphics, etc. and upload them to your site. Then, allow people to give away your free web design graphics, fonts, templates, etc. Just include your ad on them or require people to link directly to your web site. Make sure that you include a link back to your site in the copyright notice and require them to keep your copyright notice in tact.

4. Write an E-book. Allow people to place an advertisement in your free E-book if, in exchange, they give away the E-book to their web visitors or E-zine subscribers.

5. Write articles that pertain to your product or service. Allow people to reprint your articles on their website, in their E-zine, newsletter, magazine or E-books. Include your resource box and the option for article reprints at the bottom of each article.

6. You can easily find products on the Internet that will sell you a license allowing you to distribute the product free of charge to other people. Look for those products that provide "branding rights". That is where you can include your own name, website, and contact information.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]

"Folksonomies" - a New Viral Marketing Tool

A new consumer phenomenon is called "tagging" or "folksonomies" (short for folks and taxonomy). Tagging is powerful because consumers are creating an organizational structure for online content. Folksonomies not only enable people to file away content under tags, but, even better, share it with others by filing it under a global taxonomy that they created.

Here's how tagging works. Using sites such as - a bookmark sharing site – and Flickr - a photo sharing site - consumers are collaborating on categorizing online content under certain keywords, or tags.

For instance, an individual can post photographs of their iPod on Flickr and file it under the tag "iPod." These images are now not only visible under the individual user's iPod tag but also under the community iPod tag that displays all images consumers are generating and filing under the keyword. Right now Flickr has more than 3,500 photos that are labeled "iPod."

Tagging is catching on because it is a natural complement to search. Type the word "blogs" into Google and it can't tell if you are searching for information about how to launch a blog, how to read blogs, or just what. Large and small sites alike are already getting on to the folksonomy train. They are rolling out tag-like structures to help users more easily locate content that's relevant to them.

Although tags are far from perfect, marketers should, nevertheless, be using them to keep a finger on the pulse of the American public. Start subscribing to RSS feeds to monitor how consumers are tagging information related to your product, service, company or space. These are living focus groups that are available for free, 24/7. Folksonomy sites can be also be carefully used to unleash viral marketing campaigns - with a caveat. Marketers should be transparent in who they are, why they are posting the link/photos and avoid spamming the services.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]

E-books and Affiliate Programs

Some E-books combine very well with an affiliate program. When the affiliate receives some extra benefit from promoting the viral message, like being able to brand your E-book with his affiliate links, the affiliate makes a sale when a reader buys through a branded link. You benefit from increased traffic on your website because the affiliate is willing to promote the E-books for you.

Be absolutely certain that your message includes a clear call to action. There shouldn’t be any doubt whatsoever about what you intend recipients to do. Make sure that the instructions are perfectly clear so that recipients know HOW to act. The action that you require should be simple and obvious as well. Don’t make things complicated or it will confuse the reader, such as by adding numerous links.

Remember the K.I.S.S. principle Keep It Simple Stupid! The incentive should be clear to those you want to take an action. Readers will look at your offering for about seven seconds before they move on. If it takes longer than that for them to figure out what it is you want them to do, they will move on. Don’t make your message vague or difficult to comprehend. If you do, chances are you will lose them. You must respect your readers enough to express your message clearly.

Once you are sure you have an E-book that will be of value to an affiliate program, approach them with your idea and be able to show that it will be mutually beneficial.

Viral Marketing using E-books is one of many techniques that all together have a cumulative effect in attracting customers and subscribers to your business and in attracting targeted visitors to your website. You will very soon find out that this is an excellent way of increasing sales, subscribers and referrals.

[Insert Your Resource Box Here]


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Thursday, April 19, 2012

マネー オンライン - 有用なアドバイスを開始する方法

多くの人々 は、追加の収益をパートタイムまたはもフルタイムの収入のための方法としてインターネットで探しています。それは良いアイデアをすることができますが、オプションとも考えていない質問への回答を宣言のウェブサイトの数百万人と、どこからスタートしますか?この記事は、少なくとも、正しい方向に開始されるのアドバイスを提供します。


1 は現在十分なお金を稼ぐ、あなたのフルタイムの仕事を損なうことなくが、パートタイムの基礎でもっと金を稼ぐ必要があります。多くのお金を稼ぐに利用可能な時間はありません。

2. あなたの仕事に満足していない、上司のために働く好きではないです。収益金の別の方法については、できればフルタイム、パートタイムの基礎で開始することができます何かを探しています。3、すでにより多くのお金を稼ぐし、多くのさまざまなビジネス機会を試みたしようがない、または非常に小さな成功。あなたの助けが必要を実現します。

場合はこの記事を読んで、上記の理由の 1 つ以上に関連付けるしてください続きを読むことができます。

彼らの生活のためにやっている好きではない、世界中の人々 の数百万です。多分それはジョブ自体、失礼な上司、または十分なお金を稼いでいないまともな生活があります。どんな理由、ほとんどの人は新たなスタートをすること非常に困難見つけます。

我々 は変更し値の安全性とセキュリティを嫌う習慣のすべての生き物です。多くの場合、ビジネスを開始私たちは我々 の快適ゾーンの外かかります。私たちは私たちの自信は、自分自身にだけでなく私たちを考慮する、新しい機会を作成する必要があります。




任意の新しいビジネスの機会を可能な限り少しのお金と支出。たくさんのお金 (を費やす余裕がないこと) がまったく動作しないものを支出あなたの人生をより多くのストレスを追加しません。

多くの人々 より多くのお金を稼ぐに最適な方法としては、インターネットを検討してください。私はそれらと同意します。問題は、ほとんどの人が実際にお金を稼ぐよりも、インターネット上の多くのお金を失うことです。何百万ものインターネット上の e コマース サイトがあり、これは、これらのウェブサイトの少なくとも 95 % が毎月のお金を失っていると推定される !


a.、国際ビジネス、可能性のある人々 は、世界中の何百万人に到達することができます。

b. のようにほとんどの人は対面販売楽しむはありません。インターネットと対面販売の必要はありません。お客様が拒否されたり、悪い毛日を持つ人々 を侮辱のない恐怖。

c. 1 日 24 時間お金を稼ぐことができます。でも眠っている間誰か製品または私のウェブサイト上のサービスを購入することができます。

+ 私のビジネスをどこからでも実行するは、世界では、私は、コンピューターとインターネットへのアクセスがある限り。

e. 私のビジネスが基本的に自動操縦で実行されるセットアップしたら。私はそれをする必要はありませんを意味しません。それは、私はそれに取り組んで毎日 8 時間を費やすことはありませんを意味します。1 つまたは 2 つの時間を十分にする必要があります。


問題の事実は、それがより多くのインターネットの大規模な e コマースの可能性を無視することは困難になっているです。その他の種類のビジネスを製品やサービスをオンライン販売しているかよりお客様のビジネスを促進するため、インターネットを必要し、多くの消費者がオンラインしているかどうか彼らが探しているものを検索します。問題ではない、配管や電気の場合は、あなたが将来より多くのインターネットはあなたのビジネスを促進する必要があります。

[OK]我々 は、インターネット私たちのパートタイムまたはフルタイムのより多くのお金を稼ぐには巨大な潜在性を提供を確立しています。我々 はまたほとんどの人々 実際には、インターネットから金もうけではないことを確立しています。


まず、自分のペースでできるだけ多くの学習で何かを強制することなくが。知識が力であることを忘れないでください !

私は、インターネット上で何かを行う前に、適切な企業として、アフィリ エイトに参加またはネットワーク マーケティング会社に参加ことをお勧めします。かどうかを追求するない点は、

長期的なキャリアをアフィリ エイトとして。重要なポイントは、無料のほとんどのアフィリ エイト プログラムに参加し、非常に貴重な情報や無料のトレーニングを受けることです。さらに、実際に多くの学習中のお金をすることができます !これは、私の意見では、開始、ベスト、安全、簡単な方法です。

アフィリ エイト プログラムを提供する多くの企業の関連会社に多くのトレーニングとサポート可能な限り提供に全力を尽くします。なぜか?それの最善の利益です。良いアドバイス、トレーニング、サポート、多くのお金を彼らのためになります。

アフィリ エイトとして購入したり、何かを販売する必要がないことに注意してください。あなただけあなたの提携している会社を促進する人々 を取得する必要があります。すべてお客様のご紹介に販売の結果、通常何も 20 % と 50 % の販売価格の間の非常に良い、委員会を獲得します。全然悪くないです !多くの企業も、あなたの促進することができます無料のアフィリ エイト サイトを与えるでしょう。


キャッチそれは常に、特定の製品やサービスを促進する簡単なことです。人々 は、自動的にあなたのアフィリ エイトのウェブサイトを訪問しません。これは、トレーニングいます。アフィリ エイトとして、会社の成功している場合あなた自身のインター ネット ビジネスを将来成功することができます。高価な授業料を払う必要がありますされません。

あなたの成功に !

フランソワ ・ デュ ・ トワ、さまざまなオンラインおよびオフラインのビジネス機会を評価することによって成功、アフィリ エイト プログラムとネットワーク マーケティングのオプションの新しい起業家を支援するように設計、ウェブサイトの所有者です。ウェブサイトでは、無料の記事やウェブ マスターは、有益なウェブサイトの構築に役立つツールも提供しています。

Save Money with Online Auctions

I love to shop, it really doesn’t matter what the item is. I enjoy clothes, shoes, art, most anything you can imagine shopping for. Yet I do have to pay attention to how much I spend because all those small purchases do add up over time. I have found I can buy twice as much stuff that I want if I shop at the various online auction sites. Trust me, you can find some great bargains on both new and used items. The two most popular online auction sites are Yahoo! Auctions and eBay.

There are literally thousands of products to choose from so you will likely find anything you are looking for. I enjoy finding things that the stores no longer carry but that I know are great products. Once you time in a specific item into the search box you will get a listing of all the products available. You can view them by the auctions that are ending first, the lowest price, the highest price, whatever you want.

Before you can place any bids on these online auction sites, you will need to set up an account. This is a simple process that will take you about 15 minutes. You will need to provide your personal information including your name and address. You will also set up a user ID and password for your account.

To get the very best deals from these online auctions, you really want to do your homework before you place a bid on any item. Take a look at the reputation of the seller. You will be able to see the number of items they have sold as well as feedback from the people the sold it to. Take a look at what these people have to say. You want to make sure the seller seems honest with what they are listing and they ship timely.

Make sure you find out about the cost of shipping the item to you before you bid on it as well. Some individuals place the cost very low but then they charge an outrageous fee for shipping. This is because the cost they have to pay the auction site for their listing is based on the price they open the bidding at. If the auction you are looking at doesn’t give the shipping cost I strongly recommend you email the seller and get an answer before you bid on the item.

Most sellers on these online auction sites are pretty straight forward in regards to what they are selling. There are a few who aren’t though so you really need to take the time to read the entire listing from top to bottom before you place a bid. For example, I know a person who thought they were bidding on an iPod on one of these auctions and they were disappointed when they got an off brand. Yet when I took a look at the listing they purchased it from that information was clearly stated in the description, she just didn’t read it all.

Not only can you get great bargains from online auctions, it is fun to look around and see what people have to offer as well. To help ensure you get the items you want for a price that fits your budget decide what your maximum bid will be on a given item. Enter that amount when you place your bid. This way you don’t have to keep going back to see if someone outbid you. Don’t get caught up in a bid war with someone though because you might end up paying more than the item is worth just because you don’t want to get beat! By setting your limit in the beginning you won’t have to worry about it. Should you get outbid on something there is likely many more of it on the various pages of listings on these online auction sites.

記事でお金を稼ぐ - アフィリ エイトになります。

記事を書くか、プロモーションとマーケティングの知識を他の人を書く記事を公表するがすることができます、いくつかの企業のアフィリ エイトになることあなた自身の家から右は良い収入を生成するための素晴らしい方法場合があります。会社を取得します"をあなたのページに配置され、同社のリンクを介してあなたのサイトからクリックして「人々 から販売の収益の一部を受信してこれを行うことができます。

製品やサービスを促進するだろうので、キラー販売ピッチやウェブサイトのコンテンツ、製品に興味がある読者を得る、彼らは、彼らの製品なしで生活することはできませんを説得して来る時間と時間を再びに関する推奨事項のそれらを得る、有用なコンテンツ、お客様のウェブサイトへそれらを維持する必要がありますあなたのリンクをもう一度クリックします。多くのアフィリ エイトが企業のみを各顧客から最初の販売のお金をまだを返すの顧客の利益を上げることができますので、企業の良い範囲を促進します。

この種の独自のコンテンツを書き込むことができない場合は、ある無料または有料のコンテンツをあなたのアフィリ エイト サイト上の場所を選択するには、多くの方法があります。なぜこのような記事を払ってあなたの利点になる多くの理由があります。最初に、まさに何を販売しようとしているどのような製品とあなたの読者を維持する行くことができますどのような方向に興味を持ってし、通知は作家を話すことができますされます。無料のコンテンツを検索すると、その一方はすでにをものに制限されます。第二に、このコンテンツの著作権を所有します。誰もお客様の同意なし再利用することができることを意味します。無料のコンテンツを選択した場合、そのコンテンツを他のアフィリ エイトのウェブサイトの未知の量と共有するプラス、元の著者の署名にあなたのトラフィックを盗む可能性が、記事の下部に配置することができます。

良いアフィリ エイト手数料率がそれらの知らない人の多くの製品がどのように自社の製品や提供を購入する準備ができているお客様をクリックして事前に。製品やサービスを促進する限りすることができます非常に便利なさまざまな人々 にし、選択した会社を売り、すべてハードことがあります。クライアント コンピューター上の彼らあなたの提言を見るし、アフィリ エイトのリンクをクリックする機会がこのような状況でキー可能性が高いこれらの顧客あなたのウェブサイトを取得ことがあります。

キース Londrie II は、成功のウェブ マスターとhttp://free-article-depot.comは、さまざまなトピックに関する記事を提供する専門のウェブサイトの出版社です。無料記事デポ ドット来る、あなた自身の記事を発行または独自の使用を web サイトまたは ezine の記事を取得します。無料記事デポを今日訪問!

Save Money Shopping for Clothing at Thrift Stores

On average, most people clear out their closets at least twice per year. All of the clothing they no longer wear it taken to charity locations and thrift stores. Many people donate clothing items that they only wore a couple of times or that still have the tags on them. The most common thrift stores to find such clothing are the Salvation Army and the Goodwill. Both of them inspect clothing for stains and tears so you can be sure you will find good quality clothing for men, women, and children at very low prices.

Many people think these thrift stores only carry outdated clothing but that is simply not the case. Children often outgrow clothing before it has been worn out or the style has faded. There are also plenty of clothing articles that never go out of style including t-shirts and denim jeans. While you may not find the same styles offered at the trendy retailers in the area you will find plenty of quality clothing for less than you will pay for it anywhere else. I have walked out of such thrift stores with bags of clothes that cost me less than purchasing one outfit at a retail store.

Jackets are very expensive but not if you purchase them from a thrift store. There are plenty of winter jackets, pullovers, and windbreakers to choose from. To make finding things in the right size easier most thrift stores separate clothing by the type that it is and by sizes. However, you will need to spend your time looking through what is available. The downside is that if you do find something you really like and it doesn’t fit you won’t have very good luck finding it in another size as you do in a department store.

Depending on the location of the thrift store, they may carry various household items as well. Some of the larger facilities offer used furniture, appliances, and books. I found a couple of nice wood end tables at a thrift store once that I like so much I have never replaced them with anything else even though I can now afford to do so.

Too many thrift stores have gotten a bad reputation for being viewed as a place to shop for individuals who don’t have very much money. If your pride keeps you from visiting thrift shops then you will be throwing your money away. If you have never been into a thrift store you really should take the time to do so. You will be pleasantly surprised at what you find there.

Another good alternative is shopping at consignment stores. These are places where individuals take their unwanted clothing and furniture to be sold. The store splits the profits made from anything that sells with the person who brought it in. Most consignment items can only be on display for a limited amount of time. Towards the end of that time frame the items are generally sold at a discounted price before they are taken off the list of items to be sold.

You will pay more for items at a consignment store than you will at a thrift store but you will also be able to find some wonderful bargains that still save you money over buying them retail. The reason you will pay more is because the person selling the items and the store want to make as much profit as possible. You generally won’t be able to negotiate the prices though.

One good example of saving money at either thrift stores or consignment stores is for party dresses, wedding dresses, and prom dresses. It is likely that they will only be worn once so it is silly to spend hundreds of dollars on such a gown. You will likely be able to find a good selection of such dresses that are still in style. Even if you have to pay to have the dress altered a bit you can still have the beautiful dress you want without the expense.


確かに、どのようにお金は私のお気に入りのトピック、および可能性があなたのもあります。我々 はすべてのアイデアをどのようにインターネット上のお金の数十を聞いた。1 つは、最も革新的なこれらのアイデアの転売の権利を使用しています。再販権の 3 つの主な種類は、標準の再販権、マスター再販権、プライベート ラベルの権利です。それぞれ独自の権利と制限プライベート ラベルの権利を少なくとも制限されてがあります。あなたの再販権を使用してお金を稼ぐことができる方法は、ライセンス契約の条件に依存している;しかし、いくつかの素晴らしいアイデアの転売の権利をお金を稼ぐ方法をここでは。


転売の権利をお金を稼ぐの最も単純な方法は、単に、権限のある製品を再販します。これは、ほとんどの場合、転売の権利を再現し、在庫や開発費用なし製品を再販する能力をために、有利です。プライベート ラベルの権利がある場合は、カスタマイズし、製品の名前を変更してだけそれを開発した場合それあなたとして販売もできます。




ことができます通常の非制限転売の権利が製品他のアイテムには、一定のお金を使う方へのボーナスとしてまたは別の製品提供に値を追加するには、ボーナスとして与えます。ボーナス アイテムは非常に人気のあるインターネットのマーケティングの情報製品の販売です。「期間限定で「ボーナス アイテムを提供することで、本当にあなたの販売が急増することができます結果インパルスで買うの切迫感を作成することもできます。プライベート ラベルの権利がある場合は、リード生成またはトラフィックのためのあなたのウェブサイトに与えるあなたの製品をカスタマイズできます。


いくつかのライセンス契約を転売の権利製品を再販することができます。転売の権利の転売を行う場合は、あなたが確実には、発行ライセンスの契約、転売の権利の元の売り手としている、ライセンス契約に違反していない必要は。転売の権利を転売するとき、彼らの権利とされる制限に従っている限り、あなたの権利に関する規定、ライセンスに設定できます。製品のユーザーがお客様のビジネスにリダイレクトされます、製品の情報を提供する場合プライベート ラベルの権利を再度、転売の権利の転売を受けることができます。

ジェイソン Tarasi のマーケティング担当者の保護ニュースレターの編集者です。彼はあなたのビジネスを安全に保つことに明らかに部内者の秘密、面倒な無料を発見します。今すぐ登録してあなたの無料ギフトを主張する !

Smart Home Business Owners

Home business owners wear many hats. Salesman. Accountant. Ad executive. CEO. With so many hats, often home business owners end up with nothing more than just a big, hairy headache. But with some basic tips and organization, the small home business owner can avoid headaches and find financial success with his big idea that led him home to begin with. Success home business entrepreneurs do three major things to successfully manage their businesses.

First and foremost, they pay attention. They do not let money just slip through their fingers to pay off what seems like a necessity. Instead, they make prudent, specific decisions on a daily basis. These type of business owners will examine invoices carefully. They're the kind of people that stand at the department store check out and count their change before they walk away. They're the penny pinchers, the economists in our world. Every successful home business owner must find a way to do just that and to pay attention.

Secondly, the successful home business owner will keep his business account separate from his home account. Many new home business owners simply pour their business income into their home account. Not only is this a bad way to manage money, but it will cost money when quarterly income taxes are due. Instead, the successful home business owner will keep a separate checking account for his business. All of the business income will go into this account, and all business expenses come out of that account. When the home business owner needs money for his home account, he will pay himself a salary out of his business account and set aside 25 percent for taxes. Those who fail to set aside money for taxes, will find themselves in great angst when April rolls around.

Finally, the successful home business owner simply tells his money where to go instead of allowing it to walk away from his hands and into someone else's. He creates a budget and lives by it at home, and he creates a budget at lives by it at work. Successful home businessmen are successful money managers both at home and at business. They create a budget where they spend every dollar of income on paper before writing a check. Then once they have their budget written, they can tell their money where to go and thus do not lose any money through the financial cracks.

Many new home business owners will take incredible risks to own their own business. They do scary things like take out home equity loans for start up money instead of starting slow and managing their money. You do not have to lose your home when you have a home business. Manage money smartly, and you'll find yourself looking for a new home not because you're losing yours, but because you need a bigger one.

visit this site to see samples of affiliate advertising:

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Starting Out on the Web to Make Money

This article is for people who are just starting to get online and make money. In this article, I will detail what needs to be done in the first few days starting out in the internet marketing realm. Please be aware that in most cases you will not start making money immediately online. There are some ways to earn money online in the first few days, but do not expect to pull in $100 or even $10 in your first few weeks. Regardless of what any website says, people did not fall into $1000 or $5000 in their first few days online. They laid a foundation of links, research, web pages, and marketing efforts before they were able to pull in large amounts of money. Keep in mind the old phrase “Rome wasn’t built in a day” when starting your online business effort. It might be a week, a month, or two months before you start making consistent money. The important aspects are research, patience, and persistence. Take the time to lay a strong foundation and avoid the pitfalls of trying to make money online in a short amount of time. This is KEY starting out. If you fall down too many times, eventually you don’t want to get back up

That being said, there are a couple of easy and inexpensive ways to start making money online.

1 – Paid Surveys/Product Trials
2 – Blogging and AdSense

1 – Paid Surveys/Product Trials/Email Reading

I’ll start off by saying you should be skeptical of any site that charges you money to give you surveys or try out products. When was the last time you had to pay someone to interview you for a job? Same principle. Before you sign up with any of the sites listed below, create an alternate email address in Yahoo or another Email provider. This can be your Survey/Product/Spam email address. This will keep your main email box from getting filled with stuff you don’t want or need.

Now the sites listed below offer to pay you money for completing surveys or testing out products. Sounds pretty easy right? For the most part it is, but be careful with the product trials. If it’s a limited time trial, you may start getting charged if you aren’t careful.

Check out the sites listed below. They are samples of blogs that have been monetized with Google Adsense so you’re not in danger of losing any money.

2 – Blogging and AdSense

Go to and setup a blog (short for Web Log). You can choose from a variety of templates. Name the blog something that will distinguish what the blog is about. If it’s about gardening, name it “gardening tips” or “how to garden” or “make your garden beautiful”. The title is important as you’ll see later. Once you’ve got your blog setup, you can start posting information about your topic. Once you’ve successfully created a post, go into your blogger settings and go to the template tab. You should have an AdSense link up there. Now you are asking, what is AdSense? AdSense is a program that delivers content relative ads to web pages. For instance, go to Notice the small ads above and below some of the postings. Those are AdSense ads. How do you make money off those? A company or individual has paid Google to run these ads. Whenever someone clicks on these ads, the person who has the ads showing makes money. Granted it may only be $.20 or $.30 (or less sometimes), but it’s basically free money for the webpage owner. Now before you think you are going to make yourself rich by clicking on your own ads, DO NOT DO IT!!! Google is smarter than you think. I know of more than one person who has been banned from the AdSense program due to “click fraud”. Besides, if someone told you that you could make $.20-$.30 based on someone clicking on an ad based on something you wrote and they could do this 24 hours a day/ 7 days a week/ 365 days a year and you would pay nothing (NOTHING) for this to happen, why would you risk losing it? Don’t click on your own ads…..period!

Now some of you may be seeing a nice business idea here. If you aren’t, here it is. You can setup multiple FREE blogs on different subjects and have the AdSense code on all of them. This means instead of one page getting a few clicks a day, you could have 5 pages getting a few clicks a day. I would recommend updating your blog content every 2 or 3 days. This is crucial if you want your blog to get picked up by search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. If you blog on gardening is specific to organic gardening, then you want to make sure you mention organic gardening a few times each entry and put it in bold. This will help the search engines pick it up faster. You can also use to let blog engines know that your blog has been updated. More Traffic to your page = more potential ad clicks = more money in your pocket. See how easy this is? You are not going to make a fortune this way, but it would not be unreasonable with 5-10 quality blogs to make an extra $5-10 a day depending on the amount of traffic you are getting.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Tips on Saving Money During Home Improvement Projects

Tips on Saving Money During Home Improvement Projects

John and Marylyn finally had enough money to buy a new home. It wasnt built from scratch but rather belonged to a family who lived in it for 40 years.

The foundation was still strong and the pipes were in good condition. Some retouches the couple said and this place will be good as new.

Many people think that it will cost a fortune to do a makeover on homes. This isnt true because there are ways to save money and still achieve the intended objective for those who will be living in the household.

Here are a few tips from those who can save money on home improvement projects.

The first will be to go around the house and see which areas need a makeover. Each of these places should be checked for cracks or leaks that may have accumulated through the years given that it has stood for a number of years.

Next, will be to get the advise of a friend who is an interior designer who can give some advice on how to make this happen. The expert might say this has to be torn down and replaced. These are all good ideas and this will all boil down to how much it will cost to finish the entire project.

If the quote is too expensive, perhaps asking friends and family who know other contractors who can do the job for less the price can be called in. These professionals can also be hired at an affordable price during lean months when there is not that much work going on in the neighborhood.

Those who are very hands on can replace the old shelves and cabinets by buying pre-assembled versions that are available from the hardware or furniture store. These are easy to install and can be screwed or set against the wall.

Another thing hands on people can do is repainting the ceiling or walls in the home. All the person has to do is buy some paint and plan when this will be done. The task can be done weekly so that one area of the house is finished before moving on to the next.

Home improvement is something that can be done at anytime that those in the household think it is proper. Going over the costs and knowing when this will be done can save the homeowner a few hundred dollars for other expenses.

The above article was written by Sarah Miller on behalf of a buzzing online Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Contractors community where homeowners easily and painlessly find the right contractor for their home improvement projects and in turn, contractors can find the right Home Improvement Leads! Also check out the Blog for more related Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling Articles and Ideas.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Why Everybody Should Be Making Money Online

When you tell people stories of making money while you sleep with no effort, a vast majority look at you with extreme scepticism and even contempt for wasting their time and trying to “con” them. Factually most people also know that it is true that you can make online with no effort while you sleep say by trading the markets, selling goods on eBay or even making money from various means on your own website. However, this is generally dismissed or explained by these same people as for only the super intelligent, the overly technical, crazy or just plain lucky people.

I am here to tell you that not only is most of this downright lies but you would be severely short changing yourself and your family if you did not invest a significant portion of your endeavours online and I am not necessarily talking about money. Currently approximately 10% of all sales of goods and services occur online and that number is growing fast. Now you may say well that is great but what does that mean for me and those figures are spouted by people all the time and they sort of become a blur after a while. That is true statistics these days can be manipulated to tell any story you like but I will give you some real examples to put this into context.

In terms of goods and services sales there is more happening at eBay than anywhere else on the planet even if you combine store groups together like Wal-Mart and its subsidiaries in the US or the Coles Myer or Woolworths groups here in Australia. It equates to about $1,640US sales every second which is about US$14.2 million in sales every day. If you break this down further just for Australia, a car is old every 1 minutes, a DVD every 30 seconds and an item of women’s clothing every 14 seconds. Can you imagine if Big W store sold 2,880 DVDs a day or about 6,000 items of clothing. If they could manage that many sales they wouldn’t need to sell anything else! Currently about 53,000 Australia have eBay as either their primary or secondary form of income and about 35,000 businesses use it as their secondary stream of revenue. In total 20% of the entire adult population of Australia is a member of eBay which is about 3 million people.

I hope that put things into context for you and made it is easier to visualise in your head. Contrary to what you may be thinking this is not an article to laud eBay or even too necessarily to convince you to start selling there. Given those massive figure, eBay sales still fits into that 10% of all sales I mentioned earlier. Remember there are huge sites like Amazon and search engine giants like Google and Yahoo who also fit within that 10%, let alone all the other larger, medium and smaller players. If nothing else this should illustrate for you how massive an opportunity it is out there and that we are really still only in its infancy even with all those impressive numbers. Cast your mind back just 10 years ago and most of these companies I mentioned didn’t even exist let alone the market itself.

Unfortunately I don’t have enough space here to go into extreme detail about what you can do step by step but I will give you a brief overview and if you want more information go to Did you know that you can get an entire book written for you for less than a $100 which you have full rights to sell? Did you know that you can get companies like Google, eBay and Amazon to send you cheques? Did you know with an Australian site like not only can you offer items for sale on LayBy with someone else managing the process for you for free but you can make money when other people list items for sale and also when you buy items? Did you know you can make more money online with no stock or payment handling of your own just selling other peoples great products? The list goes on and on and as I mentioned about all these things are that it takes little time, little money and requires no technical knowledge at all. The truth is that unlike real estate, share trading and business, this requires a lot less knowledge and far less money to get started and is easier and requires less time and effort to do anything.


Chris Jacob

Why It's So Important to Make Legitimate RuneScape Money

You can have all the RuneScape money you will ever need easily and there are only two very basic things you have to do to get it. The first thing is to do a little bit of work and the second is to know the best strategies to make legitimate RuneScape money.

Honestly, no one really wants to do the work for you so if you really want to make lots of RuneScape money and become a millionaire, then you need to put in a little time & effort to get good at the game. However, to create an elite level 85+ RuneScape character and make massive RuneScape money in less than a week, you’ll need to follow top secret strategies that only top notch pro players know about.

However, I tell you one sure way to totally destroy your game, your reputation, and people’s respect for you and that it is to beg for items or gold. The desperate act of begging tells other RuneScape players three things.

1. You don’t respect yourself enough to make your own RuneScape money.

2. You don’t respect the people you beg for RuneScape Money.

3. You want to take advantage of their hard work to make the RuneScape Money in the first place.

That’s why you must never, ever beg for RuneScape money. Believe me, it’s a lot easier to make RuneScape money the legitimate way than it is to resort to begging (or scamming, which is even worse). In a desperate moment asking for RuneScape money may seem like the easy thing to do but an hour later you’ll probably end up losing your RuneScape money and most importantly your self respect. Seriously, in that same hour you could have easily made 50K in RuneScape money employing the right tactics.

Sure, there are people who will give away things for free to low-levels. As a matter of fact, I have a friend that once gave away a whole set of rune to random passer bys and I’ve even given away party hats to total strangers (I’m an old player). The important thing to know is that RuneScape gamers usually only give away stuff to people that aren’t begging for it in the first place! It’s funny but true… so if another RuneScape player surprises you with a freebie, be thankful for the gift but move on and definitely don’t try to make a RuneScape living that way.

I have nothing to say about scamming except that it totally sucks. If you’re willing to stoop to the lowest level of dishonesty to get your money by scamming or hacking (especially when there’s a far easier and more honest way), then there’s nothing anyone can do to help you.

Have you ever seen a pro player beg for RuneScape money? Have you ever seen a level 80+ beg because “they lost all their RuneScape money in the wildy?” Have you ever heard of a top notch player that doesn’t have time to make RuneScape money or to train stats? No… so if you want to preserve your pride and learn to play RuneScape at an elite level always follow the simple rules I just told you about.

Copyright 2006 Roy Phay

Roy Phay is an Internet Marketer on “Top 101 Secrets of Runescape™” ebook. It is a content-rich and most valuable ebook ever written on Runescape, it is Not about Runescape Cheats. It is an ebook sharing the Fastest, Easiest Step-by-Step cut throat strategies to Create Millions and Level 85+ in RuneScape in less than 7 days. To get a copy of the ebook, please click on Now!

Who's Watching YOUR Money? 7 Tips for Hiring the Right Bookkeeper

While I’m a strong advocate of hiring virtual assistants, there are two things that no entrepreneur should ever fully delegate: marketing and bookkeeping. The marketing and the bookkeeping of your business can easily make or break you (just think “new” Coke and Enron). That said, if bookkeeping is not your forte, hire someone to do it – you will save so much in frustration – just be sure to keep your fingers in the books.

If you choose to hire a bookkeeper, keep the following in mind:

1. Get QuickBooks.

For ease of use, I highly recommend using QuickBooks and hiring a QuickBooks ProAdvisor. QuickBooks ProAdvisors have taken certification exams to insure that they know the system. I have used QuickBooks both for myself and my clients since 1996 and highly recommend it for its ease of use/understanding.

The online version is great in that you can see the latest version of your books at any time and eliminate the annoyance of emailing files back and forth and wondering who has the latest version.

2. She must see both the forest AND the trees.

You want your bookkeeper to be detail-oriented AND to see/understand the big picture. She needs to know what happens consistently – every month – and update your books without bothering you for items she should know about.

At the same time, she needs to be astute enough to see the larger picture and warn you of any impending problems before they happen. If you purchase a piece of equipment, she should know how to properly enter it into your bookkeeping software to avoid problems – and therefore save time and money – with your accountant (and the IRS) later on.

3. She must know your industry.

You don’t want to have to train your bookkeeper on your industry language, standard industry income or expense categories or other basics. The more up-to-speed she is, the faster she can hit the ground running and the sooner you will have good data. If she doesn’t know your industry however, be sure to give her a rundown of lingo and how you refer to your customers/clients/tenants in order for you to get the most meaningful reports out of the gate.

4. She must provide timely reporting.

In hiring your bookkeeper, insure that you put in a provision for when you want to see monthly financials. The date will depend on when your bank month ends – give her a few days after that date to reconcile your accounts and produce reports. At a minimum, you want to see a profit & loss, balance sheet and cash flow statement.

Take the time to review the reports so you can spot any irregularities before they blossom into problems. Not sure how to read a cash flow statement? Get a check/electronic funds transfer (eft or “auto debit”) transaction detail instead. It will help you see where the cash is going.

5. She must know accounting terms and still speak “English”.

Your bookkeeper needs to know the difference between assets, liabilities, income, expenses and equity and be able to provide your accountant with the necessary data upon request. At the same time however, if you are not “numbers oriented”, she also needs to be able to explain the financial statements to you in plain English.

6. She must be trustworthy.

Hiring someone to keep track of your bookkeeping requires a level of trust between you both. You need to feel comfortable that she will keep track of your information and maintain your confidentiality. At the same time, if she pays your bills and has access to your bank accounts, you must also trust that she will not abuse that privilege. And make no mistake, it is a privilege to have someone (particularly in a virtual relationship) trust you with their finances, their checkbook and their business.

Good business sense demands that you protect yourself “just in case”. I highly recommend that, in addition to a confidentiality agreement, you insure that your bookkeeper is bonded and you get a copy of that bond.

7. She must have great communication skills.

If your bookkeeper will be communicating with your clients and vendors, she must represent your business as you would. Whether virtual or in-house, it’s critical that your bookkeeper be a positive force that further enhances relationships. The question of money can, at times, be a sensitive matter. You need someone who recognizes that and communicates appropriately.

Always remember – these are your books and this is your business. While you may hire someone to manage the details of tracking your finances, and should do so if this is not one of your strengths, the ultimate responsibility for oversight is yours. Michael E. Gerber of the “E-myth” series said it best: “Delegate, don’t abdicate.”

Copyright 2006 Sandra P. Martini

Sandra P. Martini

Why Do Most People Who Try Affiliate Marketing Fail?

Isn't affiliate marketing great? You get to sleep late, sit around all day, and only occasionally have to pop over to the computer to check how much money you've made in the last hour. A job anyone would kill for.

Except that that's not quite the truth.

Many of you will have a rather different experience of affiliate marketing – one involving lost money, scams, and endless frustration when the profits you were told you would make just never appear. Others will never have got to that stage, but they'll still have the same feeling: that all affiliate marketers are scammers, selling a dream that is impossible for most to achieve.

If you're feeling like that, stop it. Because it's not true. Affiliate marketing is difficult. But it's not impossible, and not all the ‘gurus' are scammers. Some are genuine, and really will help you, if you let them. It is possible to succeed.

So why do most wannabe affiliate marketers fail?

1. They give their money to scammers who then give them useless information.

Many scammers, after they've taken your money, will offer a cheap e-book to download. Sometimes this is stolen from another site, but more often it's something they've written in twenty minutes when they remembered that they needed to offer people something. That means it will be filled with useless information that the scammer probably knows nothing about – and if you try to follow it, you might soon conclude that affiliate marketing is impossible and you were a fool for even trying.

2. They don't have enough patience.

It takes time for the money to start coming in. You need to build up a steady stream of traffic and a mailing list before you can think about earning serious cash. When they only earn a few dollars a day, or fail to receive the thousands they were expecting, many people get disillusioned and decide that they're better off with the day job.

3. They don't follow the instructions properly.

I know. Why would you spend your money on an affiliate marketing course only to ignore what it says? But people do. They think they know better than the pros who have been doing this for years. And they usually end up making a mess of it, losing money on unprofitable advertising techniques that don't work. But, of course, they don't blame themselves and go back to try to work out where they went wrong. They blame the course they bought, and decide it must have been sold by a scammer – a scammer, like everyone else who claims they make a living affiliate marketing!

4. They think they're not clever or skilled enough.

Normally, they're wrong. Affiliate marketing really is very simple. You need intelligence and initiative to become one of the top affiliates, yes – but if you just want to earn some extra money, all you need to do is follow instructions. Buy an affiliate marketing course and do what it says. Too many people sit there and think ‘I can't'.

5. They decide it's too much work.

They get taken in by the promises that they can make money going to the cinema, watching TV, washing their hair. In truth, there's a bit of work to do before you get to that stage – like setting up a website and promoting it, for starters! As soon as they realise that it's not going to be as easy as they thought, they give up. The truth is, there's no such thing as money you don't have to work for (lottery winners excluded!).

Did you notice anything these five reasons have in common?

All of them involve people giving up.

Whatever the reason, if you give up, you're not going to become a successful affiliate marketer. Fact is, nothing worth having is easy. Being an affiliate marketer is worth it – not just the money, but the excitement of seeing your list grow and traffic rise. And it's not easy. Most affiliate marketers had to work hard and experienced plenty of failure along the way. You've got to be ready for that as well.

Most wannabe affiliate marketers fail because most affiliate marketers give up. You make sure you're not one of them.

Anita Buchan is a full-time affiliate marketer who now wants to help others make the same money she does. For reviews of legitimate affilate marketing opportunities and free resources, visit

So You Want to Save Some of Your Money

I have always wanted to start a magazine like the one I just found. Even have thought about doing a newsletter with the finds that I come across. This magazine has everything that I would include and a few extras.. Look at and notice the monetizing ads from Google Adsense.

They have an area in the magazine where people write in about ways to save money, places they've found and other advice. Now one of the letters was saying that there aren't a lot of places online that are easily found and I want to put this letter to its resting place. Here are a few that I frequent; The Frugal Shopper, Frugal Families, and finally FreeLanceByU.

Now with the last one, the lady that owns this site has been features in several articles plus on TV. I have found a lot of great deals like last year I found out that on a particular day IHop was giving away free pancake breakfast. I also found out about a special that was unadvertised that McDonalds had.

Now if you have some sort of medical need and you have an EBay account then look in the section for medical supplies. I am a diabetic and for awhile was on the insulin pump. Supplies can be quite expensive but I found a bunch of them on EBay and saved over 60% of my money. Now if you are selling on EBay then look at or A lot of these stores that sell closeouts are finding their product on these 2 sites.

If you want a great deal on a computer or an accessory then visit They are mainly a wholesale company but sell retail through the site I just gave you. If you resell software on EBay then look at Now if you have an email address then you need to sign up for GoogleAlerts.While you are at the computer check out

Here's a great money saving tip for any site owner who to get listed on Yahoo without have to pay a few hundred dollars. Get a Yahoo account and on your site have RSS and have your site added to you Yahoo page. This will get Yahoo to crawl your site. This sites main page has a page rank of 4 but yet I never paid for any submission service. I think a lot has to do with the techniques I used to get crawled by the Search engines.. Another way is to do manual submission on the main directory sites. DMOZ is the directory that a lot of the search engines use and you can be listed just by suggesting your site.

Now some things about saving money are just common sense, like tonight my wife was talking about how she has until the end of the month to renew the tags on our Jeep but the DMV requires a legal Birth Certificate. Because she doesn't have this and has waited so long about trying to get one that we now have to pay so much extra for expedited service. Normally we would be looking at a cost of only about $12 but now it's going to cost us about $40 because of the rush. Common sense tells us that we should have either had a copy in a safe place or requested another one several months ago.


Sunday, April 15, 2012

Start Your Own Online Home Business With A Money Making Site

In the past I have fallen for the hype and wasted a lot of money because I really did not know what I was doing or did not have the experience and knowledge to put everything together to make an online home business work, so here are some tips to start your own online home business off on the right foot and how to make money online.

When you think about it, having a successful online business means that you will need to own your own domain, which will enable you to alter, add to and change your web site when necessary. You ideally need the opportunity of offering a free newsletter that visitors to your site can subscribe to, so you will require an autoresponder to be installed and a series of follow-up emails will need to be written. You will require products to sell and ideally you need to use companies who ship the goods on your behalf, otherwise you will need to get involved in accepting payments and shipping the goods, which you will have had to purchase first yourself. These are only a few of the basics and one can see that it can be very involved and complicated.

But let us look at what else may be required, just so that you are fully aware of what starting an online home business is all about. Owning your own domain and having access to your source code gives you the freedom to do what you like to your site, which means you have control of your business, but this will require knowledge of html. Internet Marketing is another animal altogether! You need visitors, lots of them, to your site to generate signups and sales, so ideally the online home business opportunity should offer a full training program and a forum where you can go to discuss your business, get assistance and ultimately you can offer help to others.

The ultimate of course is to find a business-in-a-box. This means that your website will come fully set up with the affiliate programs loaded and you will be able to select your own domain name and then be in a position to add any other programs to the site. The all important autoresponder should also be installed and ready to fire off emails to your subscribers, plus you will be able to add more follow-ups to your autoresponder.

You will be able to install a link exchange program to create linking partnerships, a stat counter, add banners or text links, change the colour and design of your site, choose your keywords and optimize your site for the search engines, link your blog to your site, add an article directory, stream fresh content onto your site, upload ebooks, software and more. Literally, you can do whatever you want as you have full control of your own online home business.

You may well be thinking that this is all too complicated and you do not have the knowledge, but that is the great advantage of joining an online program that sets your money making site up for you and with a comprehensive training program in place and an active forum which you can join and actively participate in, you will have all the help you need.

Starting an online home business does not mean that you are going to be generating an income immediately. You need to give yourself time to work through the training, learn and implement all that you can. It is a step-by-step process that takes time but each step you take builds your business. The marketing and advertising of a web site needs consistent, ongoing work, as you need to build momentum to ensure that your money making site is visible to as many people as possible.

If you have decided to start your own online home business you are in for an exciting time. You will experience frustrations and setbacks, but these can be overcome with the support and backup. The secret is just to press on and never quit. Remember, Rome was not built in a day. The learning curve may be steep, but work hard and have fun and once the momentum kicks in with your marketing and advertising you will start to make money online and reap the rewards of all the hard work you have put in.

For ways to generate income online. Visit to see samples of how you can make your own online home business with a money making site.

Spam Scams: How Not To Become A Victim

All spam emails we receive every day in tens or hundreds are annoying and disgusting. But the worst of them are scams, hoaxes, and illegal schemes aimed at defrauding you of your money, private information, and even your life. Being aware of how the spam scams work you will be able to protect yourself against the spammers-fraudsters and not to become a victim of their fraudulent schemes.

A lot of spam scams arrive in the form of a great investment offer. It usually works as a Pyramid scheme. Spammers ask you to pay money for a membership, goods, or simply to "invest" promising you much money as revenue. Your revenue will come from those people who will invest after you. Your investment is distributed to those who joined before you. At some point the pyramid ruins because there are not enough new investors to keep the money flowing. The spammer is at the top of the pyramid and he is the only one who benefits. The scan may not always look like an investment offer. The spammers can ask you to distribute some advertising letters to a list of email addresses, for remuneration. Although they will tell you that the list contains only opt-in email addresses, it’s not true, and you will be sending spam directly from your computer.

Another fraudulent scheme you may meet looks like a letter coming from a company that you do business with. Usually the spammer asks you to follow a link within the message supposedly to update your account. But actually this is done to worm you out your personal and financial information. If you click on that link, you will be brought to a page that will look like a company’s web site. While you are logging in or filling the form in, the program is recording your keystrokes and all your private information – account number, user name, password, social security number – is disclosed. Never click on the links included in such emails. Just open a company’s web site in a separate window and check your account details out.

Nigerian spam is one of the most dangerous email scams. The mechanism of the scam is simple. The spammer sends you a badly spelled letter on behalf of a government official, deposed ruler, or relative of a ruling family asking you for help. They have some goods, money, or jewels that they cannot access due to political reasons. They ask you to allow them transfer large sums of money into your bank account. They promise to remunerate you for your kindness, or even leave all money to you. Attractive offer, isn’t it? Don’t be a dolt, don’t believe them. They tempt you into a trap. Their object is to obtain your account number and bank transfer information. They also may ask you to send them a fee to bribe some corrupt government officials. Further you may receive additional officially looking letters where you will be asked to provide further documents, private information, and money. When they have “played” with you long enough, or believe that you may suspect to be led on, they will rob you and quite.

Take care! Don’t react upon any spam message whatever tempting offer it contains. Delete it at once, or let an anti-spam filter delete all spam before you download it into your inbox.

Julia Gulevich is a technical expert associated with development of computer software like AATools, Advanced Email Verifier, G-Lock EasyMail, Spam and Junk Email Filter More information can be found at Anti Spam Filter Resources

Creating residual income

Well, you all have heard it before; "Have a computer, connected to the Internet, you can make extra money".  Sounds simple doesn't it?  In fact it takes a lot of research, dedication, effort, and quite a bit of time.  The money does not come rolling in instead, it drips in like a leaky faucet.  Not to worry though, time, patience, and perseverance overcomes all things.  Create your blogs, a lot of them, keep track of them, write everything down so you can refer back if necessary.  Keeping good notes is part of the drill to becoming successful.  Get yourself a Clickbank, and Commission Junction account.  Sign up for Google Adsense. Let's not forget Amazon.  Sign up there also and build an Amazon aStore that you can link to from your Blog Posts.  If you have the spare time in your retirement or just have some spare time, this is the place to help yourself.  The internet is not getting smaller, it is in fact getting bigger and more people are buying online now than ever before.  Good luck, and don't give up.